What they Do and What they Wear: Lifebuoy Toilet Soap advert

Advert for Lifebuoy toilet soap featuring the Mechanised Transport Corps

Lifebuoy Toilet Soap was very much of a popular product being used during the Second World World.   It reached it peak during this period, before its popularity dwindled when rationing ended and more appealing products came to the market.

We previously featured an advert for Lifebuoy from 1940, which featured a young boy and his granny: Lifebuoy Soap – Advert 1940

The Mechanised Transport Corps

A khaki “British officer” tunic with a fleur-de-lis stamped on each button, royal blue piping round the cuff, title and crest worn on the right arm, brown leather belt and peaked cap – that’s the uniform of the Mechanised Transport Corps.  

This Corps was founded in February 1939 to supplytrained women drivers able to serve in war in any capacity at home or overseas.  They were among the first British women drivers to serve in France in 1940.  They did fine service driving ambulances through all the air-raids.


The M.T.C. drive any vehicle from six-wheel lorries to small cars.  The Corps is indeed helping in the drive in victory.

Whether the job you’re doing is in or out of uniform, whether you serve in a factory, an officer, a shop or a home, you’ll value the renowned vigour that comes with Personal Freshness for both work ad recreation.  So it’s well worth remembering that Personal Freshness can be renewed simply and daily by the regular use of


Advert for Lifebuoy toilet soap featuring the Mechanised Transport Corps

Advert from the Bromley & District Times, 21st May 1943 (pg 2)

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